Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Rant and Rave

Work days have gotten the best of my attitude lately. I have never had so much drama with co workers in my life and I only have 2 of them!!! I guess the excuse that everyone keeps using is that "shes young" and "she doesnt know any better" or the best yet is "you're just too protective of the company". Well hell yes I am. This is my job! These are my patients and I have an obligation to take care of them and myself for heavens sake. Accusations have been flying around here like crazy and it has come to the point where I dont want to even conversate at work. I know like all other things, this too shall pass but I wish that the person would just move on and not just the problem. ugh.
Anyways rant #2

I am 25 and everyone knows that summer time is wedding time. It makes me look around at all the beautiful people getting married and so in love that they would take that next step. I see former high school students getting married and having children, starting their families. Im still sitting here, un married, without children (believe me im not complaining about that). I know that my boyfriend loves me, and the steps are in progress to move that way, but after a year..... ive done this rodeo a couple times now and maybe im just not "that girl". Man, I must be on an emotional rollercoaster.

Going back to Utah next week to visit (take care) of my grandparents and this time I will have company! We will be picking up Heily on the way home and hopefully things will go smoothly and we will start making progress with getting her more often.

Well Wednesday looks like its brightening up already! The coffee pot just buzzed so, now to conquor the day!

Here is the quote on the calander for the day: Pride is like bungee jumping; The initial thrill is followed by lots of ups and downs, and eventually you're left hanging.

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

And I knew that I would drop the ball on this....

I knew that starting a blog sounded like a good idea but keeping up with it everyday was a little un realistic in my life. But ive been keeping busy and making bows like a crazy lady while im out of school for the summer. Its pretty awesome to be creative and it gives me something to do after the gym of course. Here are my models :)

Friday, June 18, 2010

Disneyland with 2 Children?? I must be crazy

So we decided... "hey lets take Alijsha and Heily to Disneyland and stay the night! It will be so much fun".... Fun for WHO? lol
Man i never knew how much energy kids had. I was sooo exhausted by the time the fireworks were done (which was oh so amazing) and so was Alijsha...
Anyways, I think that next time we go to Disneyland with two small children we will be bringing the redbull for adults and ben

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

But before I go for the morning....

I found this little Gem of a youtube video and it made me smile....

The weekends go so fast

Brian's daughter Heily is down from Utah for the summer while she is out of school, and BOY does she keep us busy. As a 9 year old who is ready to do anything and everything, my creative wheels are turning faster than ever. This weekend however, she got to go to her Grandma Robins house in Rightwood so we had the weekend to ourselves.
So this little get up called the Queen Mary hosted the yearly "Ink & Iron" Tattoo convention. It was pretty awesome considering the line to get in was like waiting in line at Disneyland. But insted of keeping your eye out for Mikey and Goofy, it was Rockabelly chicks and oversized girls with too little of clothing on to show off some ink. I go to these shin digs to support my loving boyfriend and to meet all of his friends who are in the industry with him. All in all it was a good time. And I got a super cute sweater out of it from
Sunday came around and all I wanted to do was finish Alijsha's disneyland scrapbook which left the office looking like a tornado swept through town.... but the OC Swap meet called and we came running. So many cool things to look at and buy. So Ive decided that I'm going to start making hair bows and ribbon accesories. Why not right? These women sell them for $4-&8 and it costs them $2 to make. So while Im out of school for the summer.... Bows is what it shall be :) Keep you posted on how it really goes.
Tis all for now. Work awaits. K

Friday, June 11, 2010

Oh the toll it takes on you

I work for a plastic surgeon which usually has all the perks (literally) in the world, but we deal with a lot of breast cancer patients also. I have become an avid supporter and believer in miracles because of the faith and courage of every single survivor that walks through our door.
But there comes those days when the blue skies turn grey and we have to be the ones who tell them the bad news that the cancer has come back. Today was one of those days. A patient very near and dear to all of us got test results back today that her breast cancer is back and is in her lymph nodes. The toll it takes on everyone, even those who don't know her or her story is amazing and the atmosphere just kind of sunk.
Again, life takes you for a ride everyday, and for that we need to all be thankful and realize that what we have is a blessing. No one chooses when it gets taken away so live it to the fullest.
Thanks my preaching for the day.

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Learning life lessons the hard way...

The past few months have been a whirlwind of events and tragedies for myself and my family. My grandmother had a severe stroke in May and now leaves her speechless.... literally and can no longer move her right side. Ever since this tragic event, we have become more and more aware of people and the signs of strokes that surround us everyday. It has definitely made me realize that life can change in an instant so you have to love the life you live and make sure that everyone around you knows how precious they are to you.

Shortly after my grandmother started her recovery process, my grandfather came down with pneumonia. He has struggled everyday since her accident and still struggles to keep his spirits up and find a reason and purpose to stay in this world. It is a constant battle with him to understand the difference between acceptance and selfishness.

There is not a day that goes by that I dont hope and pray that my life starts to return to normal and when my family can smile once again.